Unknown publication 10, unknown date, 1994

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Elvis Costello & The Attractions

The Point Depot, Dublin

Declan Fry

After ten years apart and a lot of washing of dirty laundry in public they were back together. Elvis had reunited with "the best band in the world" (his words, not mine) and you could cut the air of expectation that filled The Point with a knife.

Their last album together was the critically acclaimed Blood And Chocolate from 1986. Subsequent solo efforts from Our Beloved Entertainer included brilliant individual moments but generally failed to make any impression on his old fans or do anything to win over new ones.

As I walked into The Point, I was instantly struck by the incredible variety of ages on show. Had so many people brought their parents or was this quite normal for an Attractions gig? I was too young to know. A workmate of mine had seriously impressed me by saying his last Attractions gig was in Mallow in 1979 — I suppose a lot of the same people were there.

The band walked on stage at 7.45 to a reading of what I can only assume was Andrew Morton's book on Princess Di (I haven't read it) and the hall was filled with "Oh my baby, baby." I couldn't believe it! There's nothing wrong with the song but "I Want You" was a strange choice if he was trying to get the crowd going. Instead we all sat back and relaxed.

I had underestimated The Man. "Watching The Detectives," "Accidents Will Happen" and "No Action" followed at a blistering pace. Within minutes the stage was surrounded and the aisles were full — standing room only.

This wasn't a greatest hits tour but they just rolled out one after another. The lads seemed intent on getting as many in as possible before closing time and who was complaining? And he didn't ignore Brutal Youth either. I counted at least seven songs from the album that brought them back together.

I don't know what Steve Nieve was on, but I wish I had some! For years I had marvelled at the guys ability to make a keyboard talk, but the guy can get it to cook dinner and cut the grass as well! But to single him out would be wrong. The Attractions were together in every sense and not a note was out of place.

At 10.15 I was asking "What has he got left that he hasn't already played?" He must have heard me asking. "Oliver's Army," "Pump It Up" and "Alison" reminded me that The Man had hours left in him. Three great encores followed and I just stood in awe and disbelief. I didn't want it to end. It's a long time since I left a gig feeling like that.

As I left The Point I bumped into a girl I know. "What did you think?" I asked. "You know, he could start again and play a totally different set for another three hours." Point taken, by storm.


Unknown publication, unknown date

Declan Fry reviews Elvis Costello & The Attractions, Thursday, December 1, 1994, Point Theatre, Dublin, Ireland.


1994-12-xx Unknown publication 10 clipping 01.jpg


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