Emma, September 1, 1979

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UK & Ireland magazines


Fact file: Elvis Costello


Real name: Declan Patrick McManus.

Born in London in 1954.

Parents' names: Ross, Lilian.

Only child.

Dad's occupation: band singer, including many years with Joe Loss.

Raised in London, Liverpool and Twickenham, Middlesex.

Left home at 16.

Took job as trainee computer operator with cosmetics firm in Acton, London.

In 1974 married school sweetheart Mary.

Early rock favourites: Beatles. Georgie Fame, Cliff Bennet.

Began writing songs at 16.

Took tapes of his songs to several big record companies — but all turned him down.

First TV appearance: lemonade commercial made with Dad in 1974.

Recording break: with Stiff label in 1976, after he had gone into their offices and insisted on playing his tapes.

First single: "Less Than Zero" (April 1977).

First album: My Aim Is True.

When Elvis played at London club soon after, about 1,000 fans had to be turned away.

Album had been recorded during days off from computer job.

Elvis quit job in June, 1977.

To boost album, Stiff Records had six section maxi-poster of Elvis spread across Britain's three leading music papers.

First hit single: "Watchin' The Detectives" (1977).

Said to have written over 400 songs.

Lives in Hounslow, Middlesex.

Has son Matthew aged four.

Showbiz idols: country singer George Jones and country/ rock singer the late Grain Parsons.

First appearance as recording star: London's Nashville Room, May 1977.

First big outdoor show: Crystal Palace Garden Party — September 1977.

Backing group: The Attractions.

Dad's present occupation: club cabaret act.

Present disc label: Radar.

First American appearance December, 1977.

Recorded in America's "country music capital" Nashville, summer 1978.

When Elton John won Capital Radio "best singer" award in 1978, he said it should have gone to Elvis Costello.

Where to write: Radar Records, 20 Broadwick Street. London W.1.


Emma, No. 80, September 1, 1979

EC is featured in the Fact File.


1979-09-01 Emma cover.jpg

1979-09-01 Emma page.jpg
Page scan.


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