University of Maine Campus, November 25, 2013

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Elvis Costello performs solo at CCA

Cameron Paquette

UMaine 13th stop on national tour

On Tuesday, Nov. 19, internationally renowned rocker Elvis Costello lit up the stage at the Collins Center for the Arts on the University of Maine campus. Costello took the stage at 7 p.m. and played a two hour set that featured electric and acoustic songs from a large span of his career.

A medium-sized crowd showed up to the show at the CCA, which was the 13th venue of Costello's 2013 U.S. solo tour. The stage had a number of props that gave it a 1950s radio station vibe. When the lights dimmed, Costello ran out onto the stage and immediately launched into "Brilliant Mistake," a romping acoustic tune from his 1986 album, King Of America.

Costello proceeded to play a few more songs from the '80s and '90s, including "Complicated Shadows" and "Little Atoms." Early in the set, he ribbed the audience for their lack of applause and initial tentativeness, saying that they were "noisy for a bunch of dead people." He also noted the relatively small size of the crowd, which he said would make for a more intimate performance.

One member of the audience, an employee at Wells Central, was thrilled that Costello was visiting the CCA but was also surprised that more people didn't show up.

"I'm surprised there's only this many people here. This guy's an international performer. He plays all over and when he comes here it's [a small crowd]."

Costello then talked about when he first came to the United States back "in the days of the Pinto, the Mayflower and the Santa Maria." He remarked on his early years and how he used to hear about the parties in U.S. cities and how he had heard "good things, particularly in Orono." This comment was appropriately followed by the song "Heathen Town."

Embracing the notion of a more intimate show, Costello sat down for the next three songs, which were more emotional and quieter numbers. The first of these was a cover of Nat King Cole's "Walkin' My Baby Back Home," which Costello said he likes to play when he's away from home.

"It's about my girl," Costello said.

After playing "Poison Moon" and "Beyond Belief," Costello stood up, picked up one of his hollow body electric guitars and started in on "Watching The Detectives." This was when Costello's talent as a musician really started to shine through, as he had to use a pedal board to create loops so that he could play the songs in their entirety.

First played the main rhythm and turned it into a loop, then he added a second melody and sometimes even a third. Above this he played concise and crisp guitar solos, which threw a little added improvisation to the act. He also played the keyboard solos in the "Watching The Detectives" on his guitar.

The 59-year-old was lively and spry despite having played so many shows in November alone. He is currently on tour to promote his latest album, Wise Up Ghost, which was released on Sept. 17. The album is a collaboration between Costello and hip-hop group The Roots and has a heavy R&B vibe. From the new album, Costello played "Viceroy's Row" and "Tripwire."

Tags: Collins Center For The ArtsOronoMaineBrilliant MistakeKing Of AmericaComplicated ShadowsLittle AtomsHeathen TownNat King ColeWalkin' My Baby Back HomePoison MoonBeyond BeliefWatching The DetectivesWise Up GhostThe RootsViceroy's RowTripwire


University of Maine Campus, November 25, 2013

Cameron Paquette reviews Elvis Costello, solo, Tuesday, November 19, 2013, Collins Center For The Arts, Orono, Maine.


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Photo by Christie Edwards.
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Page scans.
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