New Musical Express, June 1, 1985

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Bluegrass Baptism

David Quantick

Ricky Skaggs - London Dominion

Who the hell let him onstage? Elvis Costello – a twitching, pallid, unshaven beatnik scruff – duets with Ricky Skaggs in a stomping, rock-out romp of an encore, ‘Don’t Get Above Your Raising’.

Skaggs, in contrast to Costello, is burly, down-home friendly , Mr Immaculate in dry-clean showbiz threads and the sort of blo-wave you see in yellowing photos on the walls of less avant-garde suburban barbershops.

Brought together by mutual artistic regard, the pair confer credibility on each other. It’s a fair bet that many Skagg-fans here tonight, solid country-loving citizens that they are, don’t know this interloper from any other punk rocker; while Costello commands a hip young following that could, one day, assist Skaggs’ elevation from his present rather specialised audience, towards across-the-board acclaim. You should investigate: the rewards will be yours as much as his.

Tags: Ricky SkaggsDominion TheatreDon't Get Above Your Raising

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New Musical Express, June 1, 1985

David Quantick reviews Ricky Skaggs with Elvis Costello on either Saturday May 18, 1985 or Sunday May 19, 1985 at the Dominion Theatre, London, England.


1985-06-01 New Musical Express page 40 clipping 01.jpg

Photo by Bleddyn Butcher.
1985-06-01 New Musical Express photo 01 bb.jpg


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