London Daily Mirror, June 25, 1979

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London Daily Mirror

UK & Ireland newspapers


How Basher missed the bus

Pauline McLeod

Basher Lowe sat hunched over his television set, pulling nervously on a cigarette. The couple of quid he’d put on a horse in the Gold Cup at Ascot, might have been his life savings.

In fact it would probably cost him more in petrol money to collect his savings than they were worth. But that made no difference to his obvious glee at the outcome of the race.

Of course, Basher had a bet on the next race and the next race and the next and the next…

For the truth is that Basher – alias Nick Lowe, respected rock ’n’ roller and producer – will do pretty well anything to get out of a bit of work.

“For God’s sake, Nick, get a move on,” yelled his manager, Jake Riviera. “You’ve got a gig tonight.

“And you’ll be pleased to know that Birmingham council will not allow your album, [called ‘Labour of Lust’ ] to be advertised on the side of their buses.

“They think it’s obscene. And that means Dave has got the monopoly on both sides of the buses in Brum.”

Dave is Dave Edmunds, the other half of the group, Rockpile.

His album, “Repeat When Necessary,” was released at the same time as Nick’s.

Just now Rockpile are in the middle of a four-week British tour. It’s going own remarkably well, considering that they’ve not been heard of very much in Britain.

“There has been a certain amount of confusion,” admitted Basher. “That’s because we don’t record as Rockpile. Dave and I are signed to different record labels and we take turns in supporting each other on tour.

“We are better known in New York and Los Angeles than we are here. We couldn’t fill a bath in Birmingham.

“The trouble is we’re a bit lazy. We don’t like rehearsing. How long did we rehearse for this tour? Oh, a couple of afternoons, I suppose.”

Later this year the 29-year-old guitarist plans to marry Carlene Carter, step-daughter of Johnny Cash.


“With a bit of luck I’ll be able to cram the wedding in between gigs,” he said.

In the late autumn Basher is off to Australia to produce Elvis Costello’s next album. “I suppose it makes a change from the usual boring places people record,” he said.

Dave, who has also done his fair whack of producing plans to take an early break. “Well” he said “I only got married recently. I think my wife might be pleased to see me.”

Tags: Nick LoweJake RivieraLabour Of LustDave EdmundsRepeat When NecessaryRockpileCarlene CarterJohnny Cash

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Daily Mirror, June 25, 1979

Pauline McLeod profiles Nick Lowe.


1979-06-25 London Daily Mirror page 19 clipping 01.jpg


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