San Jose State Spartan Daily, March 5, 1980

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San Jose State Spartan Daily

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Costello, Joel ride new wave

Brian Boyd

Everybody wanted to hate Elvis Costello when he came to America three years ago.

He had Presley's name, Holly's glasses and Dylan's cynical attitude. Was nothing sacred?

The first album came out, and to the annoyance of some, it was great. Everyone then waited for the fade, the sophomore jinx or any of the other treacheries that await those who dare greatness the first time out.

It didn't happen.

The second album, This Year's Model, was better. The third, Armed Forces, was also well taken.

Now most commercially acceptable "New Wavers" have the Costello sound. He replaced Buddy Holly and Warren Zevon as Linda Ronstadt's songwriter. The rest of the musical world had finally caught up with Elvis Costello.

His new album, Get Happy!!, changes the pace.

The album contains 20 songs ranging from just under two minutes to three and a half. Each number carries its own punch, as opposed to past songs that were a barrage of flutter-punches. The impact is there but the timing is different.

The overall feeling is that of a stricter New Wave stance by Costello.

The tracks are laid out in a way that offers some contrast. "Human Touch," with its calypso style is back to back with "I Stand Accused," a number that features a screaming ending.

Costello's vocals have always sounded close to the edge but this time he has gone over. The voice is no longer that of a nervous schizophrenic whom you could snap between your fingers like a pencil.

Now he's more secure. Get Happy!! is Costello's way of telling us that he's in control whether we like it or not.


Spartan Daily, March 5, 1980

Brian Boyd reviews Get Happy!!.


1980-03-05 San Jose State Spartan Daily page 03 clipping 01.jpg

Page scan.
1980-03-05 San Jose State Spartan Daily page 03.jpg


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