Watch Your Step covers

From The Elvis Costello Wiki
Revision as of 02:13, 24 December 2017 by Zmuda (talk | contribs) (+The Sharpers +Erich Sellheim +Maypole video link)
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Elvis Costello covers  >  Trust covers  >  Watch Your Step

Brenda Kahn Almost You: The Songs Of Elvis CostelloVarious artists 2003
Maypole Product  (promo version) 1997 YouTubeBillboardAllmusic
Oliver's Army (Dallas) performed live, Dallas-area Costello tribute band 2003 - OliversArmyBand
Erich Sellheim home studio production, sung in German 2016 YouTube
The Sharpers performed live, 2013-11-01, Orléans, France 2013 YouTube