Enlisted Times, April 1979

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Enlisted Times

California publications


University publications

Magazines and alt. weeklies


Armed Forces

Elvis Costello and the Attractions

David Armstrong

Despite its title, Armed Forces is not so much about the military as about warfare between individuals. Costello's songs explore power and revenge and people who get in over their heads, often without realizing it. Everyone is armed, not with guns, but with schemes. If Elvis lives the way he writes and sings, he should get combat pay just for being alive. Scary, funny and brilliant, Armed Forces is probably the best of the so-called New Wave records to date.


Enlisted Times, No. 1, April 1979

David Armstrong reviews Armed Forces


1979-04-00 Enlisted Times page 15 clipping 01.jpg

1979-04-00 Enlisted Times cover.jpg 1979-04-00 Enlisted Times page 15.jpg
Cover and page scan.


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