Santa Cruz Sentinel, October 17, 1980

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Santa Cruz Sentinel

California publications


University publications

Magazines and alt. weeklies


Taking Liberties

Elvis Costello

Greg Beebe

Elvis Costello has gathered a bushel full of B-sides from his numerous English hit singles and patched them together with fantastic results.

Most of these short, snappy tunes have never been heard in the United States and some date back as far as the early stages of his whirlwind career. Yet the songs mesh with amazing continuity.

Songs like "Big Tears," "Black and White World," "Radio Sweetheart" and "Stranger in the House" sound as timely as if they were written yesterday.

For the Costello devotee, this LP is a pure must. As for the new convert, if you liked Get Happy, you'll love Taking Liberties.


Santa Cruz Sentinel, October 17, 1980

Greg Beebe reviews Taking Liberties.


1980-10-17 Santa Cruz Sentinel page.jpg
Page scan.


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