Galway Advertiser, October 4, 1984

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Galway Advertiser


Elvis Costello: An Entertainer Worth A Trip

Brendan Duffy

To some people Elvis Costello is just another name on the roster of fly-by-night popstars that come and go and leave maybe a couple of memorable songs in their wake. To a certain amount of followers, those who constitute the dedicated audience he's built up over the wars, he's the most important singer-songwriter of the post-1977 generation, and very possibly an artist at least the equal of Dylan, Bowie, or any other great you'd care to name.

Last Friday night's gig in Leisureland proved that Costello himself certainly has it in him to last as long as any of the big names I've just compared him with — and that he has not only the required staying power, but also the talent — and if you knew how rare true talent is, you'd put the word in italics too. The man can knock out great songs like most of us make cups of tea, and it's a gift he doesn't take lightly.

Remaining text and scanner-error corrections to come...


Galway Advertiser, October 4, 1984

Brendan Duffy reviews Elvis Costello & The Attractions, Friday, September 28, 1984, Leisureland, Galway, Ireland.


1984-10-04 Galway Advertiser page 15 clipping.jpg
Page 15 clipping.

1984-10-04 Galway Advertiser page 01.jpg
Front page.


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