Billboard, May 18, 1996

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New Elvis Costello set stars Attractions

Energetic promo campaign, tour back Warner album

Bradley Bambarger

The epitome of the intrepid artist, Elvis Costello has never been content with producing mere rock 'n' roll. Over the years, he has ventured with various collaborators into far-flung territory, from country to classical, Celtic to cabaret. But pursuing this eclectic muse doesn't rule out rock, as evidenced by the graceful return of his classic combo, the Attractions.

Out Tuesday (14) on Warner Bros., All This Useless Beauty is notable not only for being the first full-length Attractions reunion in years but for the imaginative, enthusiastic promotional campaign that Costello and his label have concocted on its behalf.

Always relishing opportunities to promote his work in a novel fashion, Costello once played three clubs in one night in New York, and a few years ago, he undertook a carnivalesque tour complete with spinning "request" wheel. For All This Useless Beauty, Costello plans various small club shows preceding a world-wide Attractions tour, as well as special broadcasts and impromptu promotional events.

"In-stores are forgotten the next week — it's difficult to make that sort of thing original," Costello says. "People in retail and radio want to get excited, too. So we want to do things that people won't forget in an hour, things that'll leave 'em talking."

In late April, Costello played a series of solo gigs and broadcasts in Europe to set up the new album. This

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Billboard, May 18, 1996

Bradley Bambarger previews All This Useless Beauty.


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1996-05-18 Billboard cover.jpg


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