Aberdeen Evening Express, March 23, 1978

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Aberdeen Evening Express

UK & Ireland newspapers


Costello and Lowe hit the high spots

Evening Express

When Me Co•tetio and Nick Lowe departed from stiff Records they left to become the aces in Radar Records' pack

Lowe has been the first to play his Rand at Radar with kb; "Jesus of Cool" album. which has dons well in the charts

Lowe Ls • May of many talent► find with the -Jesui" album he's turned in an irreaistable record whkh esabraees • multitude of styles from the Beach s to Lb• Stranglers

There are eleven tracks on the LP - previously released — but there, aro ilcs musician credits what soarer

Lovitis butoour shines through to his bizarre lyrics. which mix with straight pop rhythms to pro-dutv • heady brew

The oulatanclins track is "Nutted By Reality." which starts with a tale of Castro being castrated and end. up U bubbly a pop time you'll find. "Little Hitler`' Is • gem of • number which has Brian Wilson and the Beech Rocs written all over t

thia is Use Jesus of Cool leo wail worth the money to become • disciple

It was expected that Lowe would came up with come-thins useful fur his find polo effort

Costello. on the other head was under a good dee! more pressure since be had already treated us to a cloak debut album The question was could he de-liver the goods a second time around

The answer is a resound-ing Yeah! Costello has fol-lowed "My Alm Is True" with another gem in "This Year's Model "

When Costello first ap-peared he was treated as mild antuisemeni %I) im Is True" change all that and with this album he has confirmed that he lb NO about the best thing to cool e out of the New Wave.

Beth Costello and hi s band the Attractions. OUP Biondi& haw done a sta.:I-f:1 job in atllising the s and styles from the Sixties.

on "'This Years Moder the •ouod is at its very best and of coarse, Elvis is there delivering his amazing lyrics wttli sore Wt. than JAWS-

I found this album • Litt* less weesesibie than his Wu to with, but Ws Un-to take off the turntable and what t eventually bolls t3uw u to i that then is not a weak track Cl tt

Prom the °pager. "No Action" right through to the final cut. "Night Rallies.. Costello belts it out with the ferocity sad verve that pills him alongside Spnngstreri and Parker

You'll at least have heard the outstanding tingle i Don't Want To ti4► Ti. Chelsea' — well Met, are lot more oil the •: III which can equal t

Costello to bunt For farsr: again .4Thtf Veto • a winner and *ill caws. stand the wet of tune.

Tags: This Year's ModelNick LoweJesus Of Cool


The Evening Express, March 23, 1978

The Evening Express reviews This Year's Model and Nick Lowe's Jesus of Cool.


1978-03-23 Aberdeen Evening Express page 13 clipping 01.jpg

Page scan.
1978-03-23 Aberdeen Evening Express page 13.jpg


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