Colgate University Maroon-News, November 18, 1977

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Colgate Univ. Maroon-News

New York publications


University publications

Magazines and alt. weeklies


My Aim Is True

Elvis Costello

Tony Shields

Much publicity surrounded the release of this album. Costello is a veteran of the English pub scene, his voice is reminiscent of another pub rocker, Graham Parker, but his style harkens back to the day of another Elvis.

The album contains 13 songs, with none more than three minutes long. This produces a continuum of high energy music — in fact, the album never slows down! How refreshing to hear such music from a debut artist.

Outstanding cuts on the disc include "Mystery Dance," a song that owes its form to The King. "I'm Not Angry" is real rock and roll at its best. The tune shows off Costello's proficiency on the guitar — which is nothing to be squawked about. "Welcome to the Working Week" (1:32) is a short and sweet tune, and "Watchin the Detectives" is a reggae tune.

The whole lp is strong. While one certainly needs to acquire a taste for the pub scene, if ya like rock 'n' roll, Costello belongs in your collection.


The Colgate News, November 18, 1977

Tony Shields reviews My Aim Is True.


1977-11-18 Colgate University Maroon-News page 09 clipping 01.jpg

1977-11-18 Colgate University Maroon-News page 09.jpg
Page scan.


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