University Of Iowa Daily Iowan, December 10, 1981

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University Of Iowa Daily Iowan

Iowa publications


'Reasonable' year for music in 1981

Jim Musser


Yet even with these disclaimers, no-shows and disappointments, 1981 has been a reasonably good year for pop music. The following represents this reviewer's picks for the best pop, soul and rock 'n' roll LPs released this calendar year up to the present.

1. Elvis Costello, Trust (Columbia) — Arguably Costello's most consistent, varied and intelligent effort yet in an enviable string of consistent, varied and intelligent records (not necessarily including the Taking Liberties collection or his C&W tribute Almost Blue). He continues to extend his ability to marry credible lyrics to well-crafted pop and rock tunes. The scattershot bitterness that he is known for has yielded somewhat to a welcome tempering of humanism. A great record in any year.


The Daily Iowan, December 10, 1981

Jim Musser's recap of the year in music includes Trust.


1981-12-10 University Of Iowa Daily Iowan page 14 clipping 01.jpg


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