University of Wisconsin La Crosse Racquet, September 8, 1983

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Univ. Wisc. La Crosse Racquet

Wisconsin publications


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Punch The Clock

Elvis Costello

Todd Haefer

Sometimes I wish Elvis Costello would make an album without trying to impress everyone. On Punch the Clock he's decided to show listeners he can add horns and female backup singers, and still get positive reactions from music critics. Well, not this one. The trouble is the absence of guitars. Whenever I hear the horns on this album, I keep wishing they were replaced by guitar chords or solos.

The songs are good, and Costello hasn't lost his flair for writing catchy lyrics. The horns are crisp, and jazz trumpeter Chet Baker stands out on "Shipbuilding," a quiet song perfectly suited for his style.

Punch the Clock isn't a bad album, but it's not up to par with Costello's best work. Come on Elvis, we know you can do anything you want to, but bring back the guitars.


UW-La Crosse Racquet, September 8, 1983

Todd Haefer reviews Punch The Clock.


1983-09-08 University of Wisconsin La Crosse Racquet page 06 clipping 01.jpg

1983-09-08 University of Wisconsin La Crosse Racquet page 06.jpg
Page scan.


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