USC Daily Trojan, August 28, 1984

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Daily Trojan index


Goodbye Cruel World

Elvis Costello

Chris Willman

Don't be so sure Elvis isn't angry anymore; he's just cloaked that bitterness in an ever-increasing curtain of wordplay and thick arrangements. But the thickness has become downright impenetrable on most of his tenth and most disappointing LP. The horns that gave the punch to Punch the Clock are mostly absent, and the absence of former pianist Steve Nieve has left its toll. The lyrical obscurity that used to be tantalizing is now just maddening, though the sketches of desperate domestic life — "The Comedians," "Joe Porterhouse," "Home Truth" and "Room Without a Number" — still pack a clever wallop. Even Costello's weakest stuff, it should be pointed out, beats the best that almost anyone else in pop has to offer.


Daily Trojan, August 28, 1984

Chris Willman reviews Goodbye Cruel World.


File:1984-08-28 Daily Trojan clipping 01.jpg


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