Spin, February 1993

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The Juliet Letters

The Brodsky Quartet & Elvis Costello

Hal Willner


Spin, February 1993

Hal Willner reviews The Juliet Letters.

Lorne Michaels recalls EC's SNL appearance.


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Cover and page scans.

Lorne Michaels interview

Bob Guccione, Jr.


Is there actually a lot of spontaneity in the show like that Steve Martin example?

Yeah, well, as you saw with Sinead O'Connor—there was a spontaneous moment. There is a lot, there arc moments that are fortu-itous. List year Dana Carvey had a piece called "Massive Head Wound Harry" where a dog ate a bandage off his head the dog was only supposed to lick the bandage but started to unravel it and Carvcy had to struggle to keep his wig on]. Those kinds of things happen, you know.

How do you feel about moments like Elvis Costello changing a song in midsong?

I remember exactly where I was at the time, I was sitting at home base, here, with Dan Aykroyd. Costello had, of course, picked his own two songs to do, so it wasn't as if we'd forced him. And all he did was another song from the same record. I guess when he started to perform, he just decided that he didn't want to do that song. And the only reason we rehearse them is so that we can set shots and lighting so that they look decent. But we never coerce people, we don't say, you must do your hit, or whatever. But I remember Danny and I sitting there and he looked at me and I said, "I think we're being hijacked here." And my atti-


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