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They were, says Bob, getting so far into these new ideas that they were getting fewer and fewer gigs. "It ended up that we just weren't a viable proposition. We had a few fans in our local area (Tunbridge Wells) but you can gig your area only so much.
They were, says Bob, getting so far into these new ideas that they were getting fewer and fewer gigs. "It ended up that we just weren't a viable proposition. We had a few fans in our local area (Tunbridge Wells) but you can gig your area only so much.

'''Nick Lowe
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If Brinsley Schwarz have a front man then it's Nick Lowe. A spiky crest of hair, nose of the type referred to in polite circles as "strong," Nick Lowe plays bass and does much of the lead vocalising, left leg pumping up and down like a man blowing up a flat tyre with a foot pump.
Nick's also their potential hit man. He does most of the band's writing.  Of the many songs he's written so far I guess you'd call at least half-a-dozen very good. Two or three are simply excellent. One day he'll write a big hit, but there's no real hurry.
His songs may well be the greatest beneficiaries of Dave Edmunds' production work on the current album.
The band's development started with Nick and Brinsley at school in about '63-'64, the time of the Beatles and the Stones. "Then when we left school there was a gap while we were in semi-pro groups."
Later Brinsley called Nick one day, said his bass player was leaving and did he want the gig. "This was down in Tunbridge Wells, about '67-'68.  I left home and we've been together ever since then."
When Nick joined the band, Kippington Lodge, they'd just made "Shy Boy," one of the singles they did for Mark Wirtz, who did the "Teenage Opera" thing.
"He was amazin'. Just way ahead of this time no two ways about it. If he came along nowadays he'd be a Phil Spector sort of character, that's the way I see him."

When he first started Nick played banjo. ("I was really into skiffle. In fact I played at one time with Sean Tyla (Ducks de Luxe). I never knew the names of the guys I was with. For some reason in those days you never used to know the names of the guys you were in groups with. I played with Sean in a group called The Four Just Men."

When he started playing guitars in a Kingston Trio type group. "The Shadows, even though I liked them, were a bit before my time but when the Beatles came along I got interested in groups. The only reason I played bass was that it was the only instrument I could join Brinsleys group on."
Nick's early bands, experiences in music included backing singers.  J.J. Jackson was one.  Billie Davie was another.

Bass playing and singing aside Nick's most important contribution to the band is as songwriter. The first song he recalls writing was a skiffle number.

"I'd heard all the songs about 'The Rock Island Line' and 'The Grand Coolie Dam' and all that and so when the Great Train Robbery was done I wrote a hokey skiffle number about that. Most embarrassing."

Nick says he has little trouble writing a song. "I can't help but write. It's not clever. I just hear things come into my head and I try to go through with them, play 'em.

'''Nick Lowe
"What is hard is getting it arranged and constructed in your mind so you can say to somebody 'Look if you play that and I play this I think it's gonna sound like that.' That's the hard part.
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"I'm really trying to write a Good Song that'll appeal to anyone. I'd like to get a song that won the Eurovision Song Contest cos I'd make it so drek, so crass, so crap that it'd be great. It would be fantastic.

"I could really get off on doing that, even though I knew it was crap. Cos, you know, you're competing against people there that really know their business. That's hard to do."

Revision as of 21:23, 14 June 2021

... Bibliography ...
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Melody Maker


Brinsley Schwarz

Geoff Brown

Melody Maker band breakdown compiled by Geoff Brown

Brinsley Schwarz started in 1970 from the ashes of a pop group called Kippington Lodge, whose lineup had started with just Brinsley himself. Nick Lowe had joined in 1967-68; Bob Andrews and Billy Rankin joined later.

In 1969 Kippington Lodge became Brinsley Schwarz and took three months off for rehearsal. Their managers of the day — Dave Robinson and John Eichner — involved them in a venture called Fame-Pushers, set up a gig at New York's Fillmore East and took over 100 journalists to witness the event.

The experiment affected Brinsley Schwarz's outlook on the business and clarified for the group their personal reasons for making music. Nick Lowe described one effect it had on the band, which just about sums up their current attitude.

At the start of their career Brinsley had been on Top Of The Pops promoting their single, "Shining Brightly," a Crosby, Stills & Nash type song. Later, still well into country rock, they had another single out. It was called "Country Girl" and Tony Blackburn picked it as his record of the week. (It's been one of the few areas of common ground between Blackburn and John Peel).

Anyway, Top Of The Pops contacted Schwarz. Would they do another programme? Brinsleys said no — they'd vowed never to do that show again. They got, says Lowe, really righteous. "What a ghastly hit record to have been labelled with. Straw in our hair. Soon as summer was over we'd have been dead."

Since then they've changed their style often. Adding influences to the original, Ian Gomm joined on guitar in 1971 and widened the instrumental combinations they could use on stage.

Their set now ranges from Band-style to "Country Girl" to blues to Motown and to R & B — either an oldie played with a deep understanding of the mode or a group original which precisely captures the feeling and spirit of the influence.

Brinsley Schwarz play like a live disco. Meet the first — and last — of The Great Eclectics.

Bob Andrews

Bob Andrews has a serious, thoughtful face. Hair recedes like an ebbing tide. Talks with a strong hint of Northern accent and plays keyboards with Brinsley Schwarz with a strong hint nowadays of Garth Hudson.

Bob's been with the guys who formed the basis of the present Brinsley Schwarz for about six years. Before that he was playing with P. P. Arnold.

"It didn't last very long. I got it through a friend of mine. I was having, uh, emotional things at the time. I won't go into that." He smiles.

He, like Ian Gomm, saw an ad in the MM. Went along to an audition and joined the band. "That was Kippington Lodge. They were just issuing their last single. I just got in to be able to sing on the last single. We did a very Joe Cockerish version of 'In My Life,' John Lennon's number. That didn't do anything at all."

Bob started playing in groups when he was 14. Played bass guitar for a year back home in the Leeds area, then he played lead guitar for a year ("I thought I was Chuck Berry.")

Then when he started work some of the lads at the office he was in had a group. "They wanted an organist. I'd played piano when I was younger and so I suddenly fancied the idea of playing organ. Then because we were so together in the works we were forever talking about music, eventually it got intolerable. So we thought let's blow it."

They turned professional. Andrews leans forward against the table throughout the interview. Recollections well up inside him; he smiles at each remembrance. He speaks quickly, in bursts.

"We did one of those auditions 'Groups for continental work,' you know? We did this show with Al Read, a Christmas sort of thing for the Rhine Army. We did the backing. He used to do these sketches where he'd have musical introductions. Like he used to do a football sketch and we'd do the Sports Report theme." He sings it.

Bob stayed in Germany for about two years ("twelve hours a night and stuff") and then he returned to England and got the gig with P. P. Arnold, this was, of course, after her first band, The Nice, had left her to go it alone.

When he joined Kippington Lodge, Bob says the music was getting away from the singles thing ("like when I joined the organist I replaced went and joined Vanity Fare.") Bob, at the time, was leaning towards jazz "and I was also into, well heavy rock I suppose. I'd gone through all the Cream sort of syndrome.

"Then round about the end of 1969 we got the album Crosby, Stills & Nash and I think that was probably one of the biggest things that happened to us before Brinsley Schwarz. That was the sort of thing that changed our way of thinking."

They were, says Bob, getting so far into these new ideas that they were getting fewer and fewer gigs. "It ended up that we just weren't a viable proposition. We had a few fans in our local area (Tunbridge Wells) but you can gig your area only so much.

Nick Lowe

If Brinsley Schwarz have a front man then it's Nick Lowe. A spiky crest of hair, nose of the type referred to in polite circles as "strong," Nick Lowe plays bass and does much of the lead vocalising, left leg pumping up and down like a man blowing up a flat tyre with a foot pump.

Nick's also their potential hit man. He does most of the band's writing. Of the many songs he's written so far I guess you'd call at least half-a-dozen very good. Two or three are simply excellent. One day he'll write a big hit, but there's no real hurry.

His songs may well be the greatest beneficiaries of Dave Edmunds' production work on the current album. The band's development started with Nick and Brinsley at school in about '63-'64, the time of the Beatles and the Stones. "Then when we left school there was a gap while we were in semi-pro groups."

Later Brinsley called Nick one day, said his bass player was leaving and did he want the gig. "This was down in Tunbridge Wells, about '67-'68. I left home and we've been together ever since then."

When Nick joined the band, Kippington Lodge, they'd just made "Shy Boy," one of the singles they did for Mark Wirtz, who did the "Teenage Opera" thing.


"He was amazin'. Just way ahead of this time no two ways about it. If he came along nowadays he'd be a Phil Spector sort of character, that's the way I see him."

When he first started Nick played banjo. ("I was really into skiffle. In fact I played at one time with Sean Tyla (Ducks de Luxe). I never knew the names of the guys I was with. For some reason in those days you never used to know the names of the guys you were in groups with. I played with Sean in a group called The Four Just Men."

When he started playing guitars in a Kingston Trio type group. "The Shadows, even though I liked them, were a bit before my time but when the Beatles came along I got interested in groups. The only reason I played bass was that it was the only instrument I could join Brinsleys group on."

Nick's early bands, experiences in music included backing singers. J.J. Jackson was one. Billie Davie was another.

Bass playing and singing aside Nick's most important contribution to the band is as songwriter. The first song he recalls writing was a skiffle number.

"I'd heard all the songs about 'The Rock Island Line' and 'The Grand Coolie Dam' and all that and so when the Great Train Robbery was done I wrote a hokey skiffle number about that. Most embarrassing."

Nick says he has little trouble writing a song. "I can't help but write. It's not clever. I just hear things come into my head and I try to go through with them, play 'em.

"What is hard is getting it arranged and constructed in your mind so you can say to somebody 'Look if you play that and I play this I think it's gonna sound like that.' That's the hard part.

"I'm really trying to write a Good Song that'll appeal to anyone. I'd like to get a song that won the Eurovision Song Contest cos I'd make it so drek, so crass, so crap that it'd be great. It would be fantastic.

"I could really get off on doing that, even though I knew it was crap. Cos, you know, you're competing against people there that really know their business. That's hard to do."

Brinsley Schwarz

Billy Rankin

Ian Gomm

Remaining text and scanner-error corrections to come...

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Melody Maker, April 20, 1974

Geoff Brown profiles Brinsley Schwarz.


1974-04-20 Melody Maker pages 40-41.jpg
Photos by Barrie Wentzell.

1974-04-20 Melody Maker cover.jpg


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