Ask El Vez - The Mandate Edition

This is for all non-EC or peripheral-EC topics. We all know how much we love talking about 'The Man' but sometimes we have other interests.
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El Vez
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Location: Heart Attack & Vine

Post by El Vez »

Any ol' time, my friend.
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El Vez
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Location: Heart Attack & Vine

Post by El Vez »

shatterproof wrote:Dear El Vez,

This is not a new question but a follow-up comment regarding my first question. You know how I was complaining about how warm it was here and how I thought the balance of things was somehow disrupted and it was therefore upsetting my state of mind. Well, I rode my bike in this morning and it was 11F! Now F stands for many things and so I feel obligated to admit that after the ride I deserve to have my mouth washed out with soap. But despite my gratuitous use of profanities, I have to say that I'm back on an even keel.

That's all I've got.
I'm glad that the weather has returned to its appropriate state of biting cold and that your ju-ju is back on track. As far as the gratuitous use of profanity goes, to paraphrase my all time musical hero; "And there ain't nothin' wrong with a woman who swears!"

Nice to see you posting again, Shatter.
Copenhagen Fan
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Post by Copenhagen Fan »

EL VEZ- How do you get somebody to move out...without hating you completely?
I'd never leave the house if I had a Gimp
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