About our wonderful selves - answer a question and ask one

This is for all non-EC or peripheral-EC topics. We all know how much we love talking about 'The Man' but sometimes we have other interests.
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Post by Goody2Shoes »

My daughter was born on our 7th wedding anniversary. Although it messed with our dinner reservations that day, she sure was a great anniversary present.

What person from your past would you like to meet again, and why?
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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

Adam from college 18 months ago. 6'2" of pure nummyness -- I never did get to lick the wing tattoo on his back. :cry:

A quick synopsis and critique of the last thing you watched on TV, if you will.
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Post by verbal gymnastics »

Scrubs, Sky One last night.

Not as funny as usual but still one of the best programmes around.

Message: Love conquers all.

What is the secret of success?
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Post by crash8_durham »

Knowing what it means to you.

Are you usually early or late for most things in your life ? (work, school, meetings, parties, sporting events etc)
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

Almost always early. I think it is a side affect of growing up where my family was always late to everything. It always embarassed me so much that I'm usually more than early to any commitment now.

Do you enjoy air travel and what are your thoughts about it?
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Post by oily slick »

i am fascinated by getting so far away so fast, but i hate the process. i want to get off, don't like not being in control. order beers by the 2. can't conquer the anxiety. i've done it maybe 15 times, but i don't like it. know someone who works for the FAA who doesn't like to fly. i used to pick up pilots at a smallish airport when as a kid i worked as a porter for a hotel; more than once saw them have their liquor case open before their butts hit the back seat. only been on 1 horrible flight, but i just get the willies. landing, however, is fabulous.

i have a friend who radiates negativity. known him for 25 years and he has always had a black cloud over his head. he is the guy who ends up in security for no apparent reason. weird habits and really a hoot to watch cause the next disaster is always just around the corner. i wouldn't get on a jet with him, i'll tell ya. do you have any crazy friends?
I'm not concerned about the very poor.
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Post by miss buenos aires »

I have a friend who makes the worst decisions ever. After college, she moved to a small town in the middle of nowhere to live with her father, with whom she doesn't get along at all. Sparked up an affair with a married man, at the same time becoming friends with his wife. Then she joined the Army. But she's one of the smartest people I know, and is totally likable, social and engaging. She told me once that morality was not her strong suit, which seems to be evident in many of her decisions.

What's the best party you ever went to?
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Post by SoLikeCandy »

I used to work for a music gear company in my hometown--the entire population of the company liked to throw parties for no particular reason. I was barely 19, so all of the older folks made sure that I was responsible when imbibing alcohol and weed. During one party, someone decided to start playing the piano; another guy happened to bring his guitar; there were some drumsticks lying around, and one of the drummers in the bunch pounded out rhythms on the top of the mantle of the fireplace. It became a game of drunken musical chairs: people would switch places at the piano or pick up the guitar, we would sing all together or solo. And we were DAMN good, too. Coolest party ever.

If you could kill one person and get away with it, who would it be?
If there's one thing you can say about mankind--there's nothing kind about man
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Post by so lacklustre »

Margaret Thatcher, for obvious reasons.

If you could bring one historical figure back to life to spend one day with who would it be?
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Post by crash8_durham »

Thomas Jefferson. Just to see his reaction to a day watching CNN

If you could pick one band or artist and have their career disapear as if it never existed, who would it be?
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Post by El Vez »

crash8_durham wrote: If you could pick one band or artist and have their career disapear as if it never existed, who would it be?
I am tempted to say Wings although I DO want to remain friends with Blue.

I'll go with a no-brainer (in more ways than one) and pick Garth Brooks. There was a brief, shining moment in Nashville during the mid-to-late 1980's where Lyle Lovett, Steve Earle, Nanci Griffith, Dwight Yoakam, The O'Kanes and Foster & Lloyd all enjoyed significant chart exposure thanks to the backing of MCA and other major record labels. It was an odd "Throw everything against the wall and see what sticks" hiccup in the Nashville machine and it stopped the moment Garth Brooks caught fire with his career.

Who is the most underrated actor or actress working in Hollywood today? My pick (at least as of this moment) is Powers Boothe. What can I say....I loved him in Southern Comfort.
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Post by Tim(e) »

El Vez wrote:Who is the most underrated actor or actress working in Hollywood today?
I am going to go with the older brigade and say Jon Perlman. He was superb in Name of the Rose, as "One" in City of Lost Children, and looks as though he might well be a hoot in Hellboy. He has been overlooked for far too long.

My other obvious choice would have been Johnny Depp who has never (until Pirates of the Carribean) received the cudos he so thoroughly deserves.

Ok, my question: What do you plan to do with your retirement? (I am sure many of us are approaching that particular milestone ;) )
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Post by crash8_durham »

I am not close enough to retirement to answer that one BUT I just wanted to say that Garth Brooks was an excellent answer !!!!
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Post by verbal gymnastics »

Tim(e) wrote:Ok, my question: What do you plan to do with your retirement? (I am sure many of us are approaching that particular milestone ;) )
Right all of my wrongs. That should take a little while...

I'm not sure if this has been done before but what is your favourite joke? If it has been done before then can we have a different joke please.
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Post by crash8_durham »

In an Indian tribe there is one Chief who names all the young Braves that are born into the tribe.

One day one of the braves comes to him as says "Oh great chief may I ask question?'

The chief replies "yes my son what is question"

Brave: "I would like to know how you name braves born into tribe"

Chief:"aahhh, that is simple. I name child for what I see at time child is born. If is see hawk flying above at time child is born I say this child shall be called Soring Hawk. If I see bear running though field at time child is born I say, this child shall be called Running Bear."

"But tell me, Two Dogs Fucking, ......why do you ask?"

What's your poision (favorite alchoholic beverage) ?
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Post by DrSpooky »

Depends on my mood, the weather, and the surroundings. With food, it would be a dry white wine like a good French Savignon Blanc or a dark beer. At our favorite local Mexican resturant, it is a frozen peach margarita but do NOT get the "big hat" size unless someone else is there to take you to the car and home. :) When Spooky and I go to see our local Broadway tours, it is usally a kahlua and cream. But sometimes nothing hits the spot like a chocolate martini. One size doesn't fit all.

What is the worst date you have ever been on and why?

Mine was my senior homecoming dance. It rained and there was 6" of water in the school parking lot. I got soaked. I didn't have dinner reservations anywhere and we killed a lot of time finding a place. I vaguely recall some vindicative ex-girlfriend with a friend of mine doing her best to make us miserable at the dance. On the way to take her home, a power line was down and going around it, I hung the bumper of the car on the ground and ripped some part off.
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

I didn't know that about the homecoming story. :o

My worst date was in college, with a handsome guy who was on the wrestling team. He was great in fact, until he opened his mouth to speak. Other than wrestling, he knew nothing about nothing. I asked him what his major was and he replied, "I think my coach told me it's Business." Still, for some stupid reason, I went out with him.

He took me to a movie and then only bought popcorn and coke for himself. On the way home, he told me stories of how he had gone to clubs and stolen women's purses when they got up to dance. He told me how he and a friend had filled up their gas tanks and drove off before they paid. I began to make promises of becoming a nun if I could just get home safely. Of course he was a total jerk at the end of the night. And that was that.

What is the last promise you broke?
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Post by Goody2Shoes »

The promise to myself to not be stupid in public.

What skill do you have that would surprise us?
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Post by verbal gymnastics »

I can recite the alphabet forwards.

Also, I can write joined up writing backwards. It's legible too. How I found this out I cannot remember.

Where are the strong and who are the trusted?
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Post by so lacklustre »

The strong are at the gym getting stronger and popping pills.
The trusted are those board members to whom you have given your home address.

What is you middle name? If you don't have one don't answer.
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Post by mood swung »


does it sound like it belongs to me?
Like me, the "g" is silent.
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Mood Susan Swung? No.

Are you celebrating the Bloomsday centenary next month?
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Post by mood swung »

yep, needs more syllables. maybe mood anastasia swung.

is Joyce a genius? his mother certainly thought so, although he could never live up to his father's expectations.

and I just made that up. it sounds right, right? but otis switched the question on me. No I am not celebrating anything but my 22nd anniversary next month.

at home: slippers, socks or bare feet?
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Well spotted, I did indeed switch the question, cos I realised the answer to 'was he a genius?' was so stupidly obvious that it was pointless to ask, so I changed it in the hope that someone else might be getting frothy-mouthed over June 16. My student-days obsession with Joyce and Ulysses has returned in full, inspired by a new colleague who is 10 years younger than me and had exactly the same obsessions, and who knows Ulysses far better than I. He sets me a daily trivia question from it, and I struggle hopelessly and normally get it totally wrong, so I'm being humiliated by trivia both at work and when I get on the message board!!!

Slippers. Avoid wearing shoes in the house at all cost, it helps kill you, am still feeling frail after the third part in the Guardian's excellent Saturday 'we are poisoning ourselves' chemical world series and all about the toxicity of dust and the alarming discoveries about its role in the high incidence of cancer, especially breast, in Cape Cod.

Have you checked out any songs you hadn't heard before directly as a result of the current or any previous Tower of Song?
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Post by bambooneedle »

Many. It's a good prompter. often I pull out something and hear something afresh because of it that I haven't heard in ages or that I can't remember properly, like Baba O'Riley or something. And there are many songs and probably artists I wouldn't have otherwise sought were it not for them standing out through mention there, particularly the original tower.

Are shy people just stupid or what?
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