Who is you favourite Imposter now, and why!?

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Post by wehitandrun »

But Mr. A, wouldn't you see Davey and his vocal ability as an upgrade from Bruce? I am not a bassist, at all, but Davey seems like he knows his way around the instrument just the way Bruce does (but I still love Bruce's work on "Get Happy!!" (even if EC said he 'couldnt handle the chord transitions')).

The Imposters aren't all that different from the Attractions, they replaced a funny chin with a funny hair style- the rest is the same.

I'm just happy that it isn't literally a group of session musicians and that these are the guys we've been hearing since 1978 (well, not me obviously).
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Post by Mr. Average »

I don't suggest that you can somehow measure or quantify it, WHAR. I am just registering a gut opinion. No science. Opinion. Not right. Not wrong. Great fodder for a debate. Your points are as cogent to the discussion as mine. Just differing opinions, which makes the world go round.
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Pete the Beat!

Post by jillbeast »

Egads! Who in the world can pick a favorite? I was coincidentally thinking about this very thing last night as I was driving home listening to a recording of an Attractions show circa 1987. I really love Steve and appreciate him, but I feel that Pete is my favorite socially and I think he's absolutely a great talent!! I just love him! Then again, I'm thrilled with Davey and he's very nice and fun as well and I love that he sings and plays so well. I'm just torn over the three as they all get my adoration equally. I guess it depends on the day, but overall I'd have to go with Pete because he's always so cool to me.

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King Hoarse
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Post by King Hoarse »

whar, Gilson Lavis played on East Side Story, and yes he's great.
But Pete is my favourite drummer, as well as Tom Waits'. Also, he sings along (without mike) to most of the songs live. The fact that he gets into the lyrics as well as the groove is probably one reason why he's so versatile. Most drummers I've played with hardly remember titles.
Bruce was my favourite bass player until sometime in the mideighties his wildly melodic imagination seemed to settle down (maybe no more uppers?) and his mistakes started to sound embarrassing rather than charming. This won't ever happen to Davey, who seems to let loose more now that he's 100% familiar with the material. And of course he's a great and much-needed harmony singer. (Finally, a live version of Little Savage?)
With Bruce out of the band, Steve is the wild card with the Imposters and the ultimate EC accompanist and arranger in quiter surroundings.
Pete is my favourite Imposter, but they're all irreplacable. I'm sure Elvis wouldn't mind renaming his band again if someone leaves or is left.
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Post by bambooneedle »

Current fav is Davey, because I think he's the most likely Imposter to be checking out this site... Hi Davey!

Post by selfmademug »

As I like to say when he is introduced, "Pete, Pete, Pete, Pete, Pete, Pete, Pete!!"
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