celebrity sightings

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celebrity sightings

Post by BlueChair »

Yesterday I was walking along Bloor St. here in Toronto on my way to the bookstore, and I saw Neve Campbell leaving a hotel. She's in town for the Toronto International Film Festival. Last year during the festival I saw Naomi Campbell and Roger Ebert.

I should walk around some more tomorrow and see who I see? I'm not the sort of person who gets easily starstruck, but sometimes it's cool to see famous people in my hometown. Anybody been through similar experiences?
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Post by LessThanZero »

Once I saw all of these famous politicians on an escalator. I WAS in Washington D.C., but STILL!

I was going up, and Satan, I mean Ted Kennedy was going down! his arm almost touched mine! yikes.
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

I was on an elevator with B. B. King once in 1983 in Hollywood. I got his autograph, but I wasn't really very starstruck since I wasn't that familiar with who he was at the time. My mom whispered it to me really quick so I asked for his autograph. My purse was stolen later though so I lost it the autograph.

But still. . . .on an elevator with B. B. King. :) Well now I appreciate it.
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Post by laughingcrow »

Years ago I saw Eric Clapton walking down the sidestreets of London with a small oriental lady, and on the same day I saw Christopher Lee shopping in Liberty's of London! When you go to London, you always see someone famous... I even saw the legendary timelord Tom Baker once there (the man is a god).

When I lived in Liverpool I saw the one and only Ricky Tomlinson, and another time started 'chatting up' a girl who is in some trite teenage soap called Hollyoaks...I don't know her name though, needless to say my efforts were foiled.

I've met loads of old and new footballers as well because of my dad, but that would be a list as long as nessie's arm.
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Post by johnfoyle »

Sinead O`Connor and Neil Hannon ( Devine Comedy ) have been seperate customers of my shop in the past week. Both were pleasant- and their money was good to get also!
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Post by Goody2Shoes »

I nearly punched Mel Torme in the nose when he walked by me on Van Ness in San Francisco. I have a habit of talking with my hands, was having an animated conversation with someone, and Mel got just a little too close. I turned to apologize, and was struck dumb when I saw him. I think I squeaked out some unintelligible sounds, certainly nothing like a coherent apology. He gave me a dirty look and the Velvet Fog kept on walking.
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Post by miss buenos aires »

A few months ago, my ex and I went to see Stephen Malkmus in concert, and the next day we saw him outside the Centre Pompidou. After dithering for several minutes, we went over and said hi to him. He was very nice, a lot nicer than I'd expected. I was trying so hard not to gush that I hardly said anything at all.

We also saw Bob Geldof that day, but I didn't care.
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Post by noiseradio »

I've met/bumped into/or seen at close proximity:

Tom Hanks, Elizabeth Perkins, Lorrie Singer, Dabney Coleman, Kurt Vonnegut, Wynton Marsalis, Harry Connick Jr., Cal Ripken, Robert Farnsworth, and Dave Letterman and the Late Night Band (from the NBC days).
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Post by girl out of time »

jimmy page stepped on my foot in a buenos aires mall.....(quite rude!).....
........shared an elevator with poor old cindy lauper in n.y.........
.......for all your footy fans out there.......dine in a restaurant next to maradona´s table......
...the promise of indulgence in my confidential voice approached inmortal danger but you´ll never know how close....
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Post by tart »

At my former place of business, I assisted on seperate occasions Debbie Harry and Michael J Fox.It was all I could do not to gush all over Miss Harry and MJF seemed so self conscious I just tried to make him feel comfortable.
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Post by Boy With A Problem »

I've met lots of Rock n' Roll folks, but they have all been pretty much on purpose.

My celebrity encounters have been strictly b-level

I saw Stacey Keach in a little camera store near Central Park once. Wynona Judd was on the same flight

A few brothers, sons, daughters, cousins of famous people type encounters. But I guess those don't really qualify.

Strangest quasi celberity encounter was also on a plane. I was reading a Pete Hautman novel (sort of a cross between Hiaasen and Willeford set in Minnesota) and as I'm deplaning the woman in the seat behind me introduces herself as Pete's girlfriend (also a writer and mentioned in the bio at the back of the book) - and tells me how thrilled he'll be when she tells him she saw someone reading his book.
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Post by bobster »

Being and L.A. native and living in deepest, darkest Hollywood, I am, of course, completely jaded about celebrities. I mean what's the big deal? They're only people after all.

I've nodded at David Hyde-Pierce and accidently flustered Claire Danes when I mistook her for an acquaintance. But who cares?

I've backed off from Juliette Lewis. I've seen Jim Belushi probably fifteen times and James Woods at least three. (Everyone sees James Woods. He's very seeable.) I've shook hands with Jerry Seinfeld. Nodded my appreciation at Jerry Stiller. Given the thumbs up to Sid Ceasar. But you see, it really doesn't matter.

I've been smiled at by Morgan Fairchild. My brother in law was, in infancy, once dandled by Eva Marie Saint. Family legend has it that my grandfather once gave career advice to a young woman who turned out to be Greer Garson. My grandmother once had her hand kissed by Charles Boyer. But, obviously, none of this is very important.

I've walked ten steps behind Kevin Smith and his family.

Last week, a good friend of mine used a urinal immediately after Hugh Hefner.

I have worked out in gyms simultaneously with Ted Danson and Bruno Kirby (actually, Bruno just walked in for a moment and left). I had an actual conversation with Wes Stern (the co-star of a show with Bobby Sherman that was a spin-off from "The Partridge Family" and also once played a young sweet-faced masher on an episode of "Mary Tyler Moore.")

I have picked up the phone and heard Micheal York's voice. I once helped Martin Landau send a fax and spooked him the next week when I said hi to him at Pep's Boys. I once walked into my office's coffee room and ran smack into Robert Forster. I recently did the nod/smile with Leonard Maltin. John Davidson once passed me in the hallway of a cruise ship. Of course, this is all completely and utterly without any importance whatsoever.

I once bought $35.00 worth of comics directly from Harvey Pekar (he didn't count before the movie of "American Splendor", so it's sort of an after the fact celebrity encounter).

But, actually, the most stunning celebrity encounter I've had was when I was five or six and I was at Disneyland. In those days, they would have "washed up" Big Bands play there. I remember my mother getting excited because Harry James was playing.

But another time, we were just walking by the bandstand and I looked up and saw Duke Ellington. I barely knew who he was or why he was important. But, somehow I knew he was very, very big.
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Post by A rope leash »

You saw Matrin Landau at Pep Boys? Was he a quart low or something? I used to have a car called a "Landau". Are you sure that's not what you saw?

Seeing the great Duke Ellington is like being part of history.

Morgan Fairchild smiled at you? My white-trash chromosomes are at this moment sending out messages to the hormone-secreters of my body, and I as the person contolling a rope leash am now beginning to enter a state of jealous envy. I just know she wouldn't smile at me!

Yer a lucky guy there, Bobster. I've met C. Everet Coop. I think he thought I was John Ritter. He didn't smile.
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Post by pip_52 »

I met A Rope Leash . . . that counts, right?
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(aww, shucks!)

Post by A rope leash »

...and I met Pip_52, so there!
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Post by Watching_Detectives »

I was in Florida, at a hotel, and I saw a read headed, tall, lanky fellow. IT WAS CONAN O'BRIEN! But did I get the autograph? No... :(
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Post by selfmademug »

Hey, LTZ, that's my senator you're bashing! Ok, true, if I had a daughter I wouldn't allow her to be the same room, but I vote for him every damn time. There's no part of the liberal agenda writ large that hasn't had its ass saved by Big Ted at some point in the past 20-odd years.

I bumped into him at the Capitol when I was a kid, and I bumped into my other senator, John Kerry, in a restaurant.

Oh, and I met Elvis Costello a coupla times.
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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

Richard Roxburgh, the baddie from Moulin Rouge. Photographic evidence here. (plug, plug :wink: )

I've spoken to Stephen Frears in his director's chair. On a side note, did anyone see him slouching in his seat and eating a bag of crisps behind Nicole Kidman at the BAFTAS? V. funny.

Beppe from Eastenders (ha!), Chris de Burgh (ha!) and Jimmy McGovern going into Anfield. Not together. Richard E Grant (my hero!), Ian Hart (another baddie, this time from the first Harry Potter film) and the bloke who played 'Bergerac' on the same set as Richard Roxburgh. Book recommendations from Alan Bleasdale. Seen EC twice. Hoping to see Jude Law today.

Oh, my sister used to do Jeremy Clarkson's tax. His bidet was used as an ashtray, but he did recommended she buy a Ford Ka.
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Post by bobster »

Jimmy McGovern is a minor hero of mine. I LOVE "Cracker"! And his movie, "Liam" (directed by Stephen Frears) while it came and went here really has stayed with me. 'Course, I have no idea what the guy looks like.

ARL -- I think Morgan only smiled because she caught me gawkhawking and her big time celebrity days were already long a thing of the past.

And I forgot the times I saw John Travolta (midst his most serious career slump) in my coffee room, and the time I almost bumped my head into the chest of the amazonishly tall, yet good humored, Marilu Henner. Actually, come to think of it, I also sorta met Nicolas Roeg and his wife Teresa Russell while I was working at that place. (Actually, I also probably should've met the very young Adam Sandler, since he was kind of a client, but I don't remember that.)
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Post by bobster »

I forgot to mention that nothing in the above entry is of any importance.

Or that last night I found myself doing the "nod" thing with John C. Reilly and his pal Jennifer Jason Leigh. (Reily was about to accept an award before a screening and was sitting in the front row of the movie theater. I happened to walk by and sort of "reacted." Celeb's are pretty good at recognizing recognition if they're half-way friendly.)

And did I mention the time Lloyd Bridges said high to me as I walked to class at UCLA?
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Post by bobster »

Or the time I saw the (not young at all) Henry Morgan, Ralph Bellamy and Paul Jones (I think I've got the name right -- a character actor you'd all recognized, last seen as a hotel manager in "The Grifters") having dinner together at a French restaurant.
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Post by mood swung »

My dog's obedience instructor's dog (the class demonstration dog) was featured PROMINENTLY in a christmas scotch tape commercial! 8) You've probably seen it: large, golden retriever looking dog, little kids, scotch tape.
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Post by bobster »

Never saw any celebrity dogs in person....not even Benji or the Taco Bell chihuahua.
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Post by Copenhagen Fan »

Bobster...I had the pleasure of attending UCLA myself...did you ever hear the rumours of Madeline Stowe's exploits on the campus? :lol:
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Post by cosmos »

Working at a cd store in Nashville, I met a lot of music biz folks.....John Sebastian (bought an Albert King cd), Steve Earle, Garth Brooks (bought a Prince cd), Boyd Tinsley (bought about 20 cd's), Robert Cray, Jo Dee Messina, Darryl Worley, Trent Sumnar, Jerry Douglas, Ben Folds (bought Rachmaninoff and jazz/blues piano...regular customer and a very nice fellow), Andrew Gold, Phil Everly, Chet Atkins (bought a Donna Summer cd single and an Andrea Bocelli cd), Leann Rimes, Tony Brown, Brenda Lee, Marty Stuart (bought three Johnny Cash cd's), Jim Lauderdale, Mark Selby, Jimmy Martin, Bela Fleck (bought a bunch of Debussy), Carmen, Lee Roy Parnell, Coldplay, Insane Clown Posse (yuck), Kim Richey, Don Was, Harlan Howard

Also Eddie George of the Tennessee Titans football team (bought 3 cd's every Tuesday...whatever was new in rap), Jevon Kearse of the Tennessee Titans), James Gandolfini, Tochina Arnold (beautiful lady), John Madden

And just today before leaving work, I saw John Prine talking to his manager in our parking lot. Oh Boy Records is in the suite next door, so I figured I'd see him sooner or later.
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