'My Festival' - Elvis, Rome March 30 '14 - April 10 '14

Pretty self-explanatory
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'My Festival' - Elvis, Rome March 30 '14 - April 10 '14

Post by johnfoyle »

I haven't got time right now to check this out , but this seems to say Elvis is playing in Rome next May/June .

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Re: Elvis in Rome, May/June 2014?

Post by krm »


Ritorna My Festival, uno dei più ambiziosi progetti speciali varati dalla Fondazione Musica per Roma all’Auditorium Parco della Musica. Il nuovo format è stato inaugurato lo scorso anno da Patti Smith che ha curato in prima persona la “regia” di diversi giorni di programmazione. Nel 2014 il protagonista della rassegna sarà Elvis Costello che proporrà 8 diverse serate di musica in cui chiamerà molti artisti a partecipare. Tra questi la Metropole Orchestra diretta da Vince Mendoza e Allen Toussaint. Verranno proposte inoltre proiezioni cinematografiche e le interviste di Costello ai grandi della musica.

or as our friends at google translate would put it:

Return to My Festival, one of the most ambitious special projects launched by the Fondazione Musica per Roma Auditorium Parco della Musica. The new format was launched last year by Patti Smith, who has personally edited the "direction" of several days of programming. In 2014 the star of the show will be Elvis Costello propose that 8 different music nights when called many artists to participate. These include the Metropole Orchestra conducted by Vince Mendoza and Allen Toussaint. Proposals will also film screenings and interviews of Costello to the great music.

seems like I need to start pla a roadtrip
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Re: Elvis in Rome, May/June 2014?

Post by sulky lad »

Seems a bit like a Roman Meltdown (groan !)
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Re: Elvis in Rome, May/June 2014?

Post by sweetest punch »

This seems real: there has been a pressconference announcing "My festival", where Elvis will be programming several evenings/events.

http://www.musicalnews.com/articolo.php ... 26263&sz=5

Elvis Costello, Nick Cave, Ben Harper e Tori Amos tra i protagonisti della stagione 2013-14 dell'Auditorium di Roma

Presentata la stagione 2013-2014 dell'Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma, tra i principali appuntamenti in programma i concerti di Elvis Costello, Nick Cave, Tori Amos, Ben Harper, Pat Metheny, Yoko Ono, Chick Corea, Franco D'Andrea, Max Gazzè. Preceduta dall’ironico video della Web TV dell’Auditorium, (vedi il link sottostante) si è svolta il 3 ottobre la conferenza stampa di presentazione della stagione della Fondazione Musica per Roma all’Auditorium Parco della Musica.

Dall’1 settembre al 30 giugno 2014, più di 350 appuntamenti per tutti i palati: musica, spettacolo, cultura, arte. Una sinfonia di suoni e immagini, con il mondo sottobraccio.
In cartellone concerti imperdibili come quelli di Elvis Costello (nella foto), Nick Cave, Pat Metheny, Chick Corea, Tori Amos, Ben Harper, Yoko Ono, ma anche rassegne e festival originali, dalla musica contemporanea al jazz, dalla nuova danza, al teatro, dalla letteratura, alle grandi mostre, alle scienze. Tra le molte novità, da segnalare l’incontro con Noam Chomsky, i progetti di Emma Dante, di Pippo Delbono, di Andrea Camilleri, la mostra di Herb Ritts. Per ottobre, ai box di partenza il Festival Flamenco (Carmen Linares, Eva Yerbabuena), il Roma Jazz Festival (si inizia con Joshua Redman insieme a Paolo Rossi), l’omaggio al Gruppo 63 (con Sergio Rubini, Iaia Forte, Nanni Balestrini, Achille Bonito Oliva).

Il "My Festival", dopo la prima, scoppiettante edizione orchestrata lo scorso anno da Patti Smith, è affidato a Elvis Costello; l’artista inglese sta lavorando a diverse serate spettacolari, musicali e cinematografiche.

Google translation:

Elvis Costello, Nick Cave, Ben Harper and Tori Amos among the protagonists of the 2013-14 season of the Auditorium in Rome

Presentation of the 2013-2014 season at the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome , one of the main events scheduled the concerts of Elvis Costello, Nick Cave , Tori Amos , Ben Harper, Pat Metheny , Yoko Ono, Chick Corea , Franco D'Andrea , max Gazzè . Preceded the ironic video Web TV Auditorium , (see link below) was held on October 3 press conference of the season of the Fondazione Musica per Roma Auditorium Parco della Musica .

From 1 September to 30 June 2014 , more than 350 events for all tastes: music, entertainment , culture, art . A symphony of sound and image , with the world under his arm.
In concert billboard highlights such as those of Elvis Costello (pictured) , Nick Cave, Pat Metheny , Chick Corea , Tori Amos , Ben Harper , Yoko Ono, but also original and festivals , from contemporary music to jazz, new dance, theater , literature , the great exhibitions , science . Among the many new features, report from the meeting with Noam Chomsky , the projects of Emma Dante, Delbono , Andrea Camilleri , an exhibition of Herb Ritts . For October, the pits starting the Festival Flamenco ( Carmen Linares , Eva Yerbabuena ) , the Roma Jazz Festival ( you start with Joshua Redman with Paolo Rossi ) , the tribute to the Group 63 ( with Sergio Rubini , Iaia Forte , Nanni Balestrini , Achille Bonito Oliva) .

The "My Festival" , after the first , crackling edition orchestrated last year by Patti Smith , is entrusted to Elvis Costello , the British artist is working on several evenings spectacular , music and film .
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Re: Elvis in Rome, May/June 2014?

Post by sweetest punch »

Patti Smith organised "My Festival" this year.
This gives an impression about what to expect from Elvis: http://www.auditorium.com/eventi/5425111
( Google translation: http://translate.google.be/translate?sl ... 11&act=url ).
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Re: Elvis in Rome, May/June 2014?

Post by verbal gymnastics »

The definitely has a Meltdown feel about it.

Sulky - I might use my birthday present... :wink:
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Re: Elvis in Rome, May/June 2014?

Post by sweetest punch »

http://www.online-jazz.net/wp/2013/10/0 ... uditorium/

Tanto jazz di qualità in programma all’Auditorium

Per chiudere un appuntamento che tutti gli amanti della buona musica, indipendentemente dalle etichette, non dovrebbero mancare: nel mese di aprile si svolgerà la seconda edizione del “My Festival” che dopo il successo ottenuto lo scorso anno grazie alla direzione di Patti Smith, quest’anno si affida alle abili mani di Elvis Costello, sicuramente uno degli artisti più originali che abbiano calcato le scene negli ultimi decenni. Il programma è in via di definizione e ve ne daremo conto non appena sarà disponibile.
Google translation:

So much quality jazz program in the Auditorium

To close an event that all lovers of good music, regardless of the labels, should not be missed in the month of April will be held the second edition of "My Festival" after the success of last year thanks to the direction of Patti Smith, this 'year relies on the skillful hands of Elvis Costello, surely one of the most original artists who have trod the boards in recent decades. The program is being developed and we will give account as soon as it becomes available.
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Re: Elvis in Rome, May/June 2014?

Post by sweetest punch »

verbal gymnastics wrote:The definitely has a Meltdown feel about it.

Sulky - I might use my birthday present... :wink:
I'm also talking to my wife about a holiday in Rome next year. :)
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Re: Elvis in Rome, May/June 2014?

Post by sweetest punch »

johnfoyle wrote:I haven't got time right now to check this out , but this seems to say Elvis is playing in Rome next May/June .

This site has also the dates: from May 30 to June 12.
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Re: Elvis in Rome, May/June 2014?

Post by sulky lad »

VG wrote
Sulky - I might use my birthday present... :wink:
and Sweetest Punch wrote
I'm talking to my wife about a holiday in Rome next year (or words to that effect!)
Mrs. Sulky took our girls to Rome for a holiday and promised she'd take them back once she'd retired - so that's us sorted.
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Re: Elvis in Rome, May/June 2014?

Post by verbal gymnastics »

I ain't playing gooseberry! :lol:
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Re: Elvis in Rome, May/June 2014?

Post by bronxapostle »

i'm sure if my wife could afford it that she would buy me a sole ONE WAY TICKET!!! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Elvis in Rome, May/June 2014?

Post by sweetest punch »

The official website of the Auditorium di Roma confirms The Metropole Orchestra with Vince Mendoza and Allen Toussaint:

Ritorna My Festival, uno dei più ambiziosi progetti speciali varati dalla Fondazione Musica per Roma all’Auditorium Parco della Musica. Il nuovo format è stato inaugurato lo scorso anno da Patti Smith che ha curato in prima persona la “regia” di diversi giorni di programmazione. Nel 2014 il protagonista della rassegna sarà Elvis Costello che proporrà 8 diverse serate di musica in cui chiamerà molti artisti a partecipare. Tra questi la Metropole Orchestra diretta da Vince Mendoza e Allen Toussaint. Verranno proposte inoltre proiezioni cinematografiche e le interviste di Costello ai grandi della musica.

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Re: 'My Festival' - Elvis, Rome May 30 -June 12 '14

Post by johnfoyle »

This festival now seems to have new dates , March 30 '14 - April 10 '14

http://www.auditorium.com/eventi/?view_ ... ear_c=2014

30/03/2014 - 10/04/2014 Auditorium Parco della Musica h 21
Elvis Costello "My Festival"

Three days before the first show in Australia.
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Re: 'My Festival' - Elvis, Rome March 30 '14 - April 10 '14

Post by bronxapostle »

imagine the different songs performed THIS stand; EURO tapers GO PLEASE!!! :wink: :wink:
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Re: 'My Festival' - Elvis, Rome March 30 '14 - April 10 '14

Post by VelvetVoice »

I wish it would be moved back to May/June. It will still be freezing in Italy in March.
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Re: 'My Festival' - Elvis, Rome March 30 '14 - April 10 '14

Post by johnfoyle »

Still no precise details on this. One slight indicator of things may be the news that one of the supposed participants, Allen Toussaint, is doing a show in Basel on April 11, so he will be in the general vicinity of Rome.

http://allentoussaint.com/index.php?opt ... t&Itemid=3

If a Rude 5 reunion is being planned , Marc Ribot will also be nearby -

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Re: 'My Festival' - Elvis, Rome March 30 '14 - April 10 '14

Post by johnfoyle »

Still no details on this. Whatever does happen its look like I won't be able to make it - long story short, other commitments mean I will not be able to leave Dublin late March/early April.
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Re: 'My Festival' - Elvis, Rome March 30 '14 - April 10 '14

Post by sweetest punch »

Is this cancelled?
The website doesn't show this anymore.
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Re: 'My Festival' - Elvis, Rome March 30 '14 - April 10 '14

Post by InvisibleMan »

maybe they are moving it again.
io strombazzo!

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Re: 'My Festival' - Elvis, Rome March 30 '14 - April 10 '14

Post by bronxapostle »

they should move it to THE BRONX!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: Little Italy, Arthur Avenue...i'll bring the Italian bread and cold cuts!
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