"They wanted facts, Facts!"

Pretty self-explanatory
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"They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by Jack of All Parades »

Over the intervening years I have often wished that the events that occurred in the lounge of a Holiday Inn in Columbus, Ohio were apocryphal. I have tried to rationalize why a promising and invigorating performer/songwriter would so callously spew racial epithets with so little apparent regard for the hurtful, disgusting associations connected with the word he spewed, not once, but twice and for the consequences he would be made to feel.

Elvis is still uncertain as to why he uttered the word. His explanations over the years have taken on a haziness that mirrors the drink infused memory blankness of that evening as he repeatedly states he cannot be certain he even uttered the word. He is cognizant he was irritated that evening, spoiling for a fight. The tour he was on was filled with an ugly tone, fueled by anger and drugs and alcohol. He was not a pleasant person to be around by his own admission. He and his manager baited listeners and the press. They fostered a seeming cultural paranoia that made being nasty and priggish and confrontational normal in their eyes. Such behavior culminated in the hurtful word uttered in that Ohio lounge. They have reverberated ever since for me.

I have tried many times to come to grips with this incident and with it's effect on my listening relationship with this artist. I have asked myself how could a reasonably educated person allow himself to utter such slurs, especially an individual who had voiced an elegant condemnation of the National Front and Oswald Mosley and his followers in a previous album. I still cannot get my head around the disconnect of the slurs and the young, socially conscious artist of the early albums. Was it just to shock? Surely, he had to know the public and career consequences? Would I, in the same position, have done the same? I will never know and that is the rub. It has been 30 plus years of public and private penance and I see no end. Tragically, I don't think Elvis does as well.

The only way I have been able to make sense of this incident is to find its parallel in the fictional narrative, Lord Jim, by Joseph Conrad. and its account of the desertion of the Patna by its officers and crew when they perceive it is to sink following a supposed 'accident' leaving the passengers to fend for themselves. Jim, in his deluded sense of utter security is merely amused by the vulgar echoes of his own delusions in a drunken engineer's boasting and throws in with his fellow officers and abandons the ship leaving passengers behind. That moment of moral collapse will haunt Jim the remainder of his short life and he never fully redeems himself from that moment of weakness in his subsequent attempts to live and give meaning to his life.

I cannot imagine the self recrimination Elvis continues to feel to this day. It must be a tremendous burden. It is why I find it puzzling that he still puts himself in these moral dilemmas. His decision to pull out of concerts in Israel last year because he did not want " to risk the appearance of being taken the wrong way" is difficult to rationalize given now his apparent decision to play in the equally morally challenged country of Turkey. What the 'wrong way' was has never been elucidated. This makes the decision to play in Istanbul this fall all the more perplexing. Could it not be taken "the wrong way", too?

Rachel and rsternb1 have every right to question his reasoning. I do not appreciate the tone that some of that questioning has taken, especially by Rachel, but I understand their concerns. I, too, would have thought Elvis would be more acutely aware of the implications his actions might have, given the events and ramifications from that evening all those years ago in Columbus.
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by pophead2k »

To be honest, the fact that this incident is even talked about any longer is a mystery to me. To wit: an early twenty-something says a naughty and offensive word in a drunken state- how is this news at all, and especially 30 years after the fact? It has become a rock and roll 'story' and really means Less Than Zero in the big picture. How about giving it a rest? I think EC has more than 'made up' for this over the years. Sheesh.
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by jardine »

i'd say that the parallel is that 1979 and the Israel cancellation were both quick incidental judgements made because of precipitating events. Being called a limey bastard, waaaaay toooooooo much alcohol, a deep hatred for what stills and bramlett represented (as i recall, that is who was there), a pissing contest about whose music is best and worst, and a stupid/cocky attempt to out-do the outrageousness. just f&$%##ing stupid, self-centered and, once said, unretractable. and, after all is said and done, a quite effective foray in the attempt to out-do! I believe what he said. nothing at all to do with what anyone "believes" but only a drunken contest by a young smartass.

Israel got canceled in light of events that have, for me, fallen from memory--was it one of the ship blockades??? but again, an occasioned knee-jerk--after all, if you go, you support what is happening, and if you pull out, the inverse. no action is now possible that doesn't mean you are already involved.

he's going to turkey because nothing is happening there right now. Same reason he's going to Serbia (if i remember that rightly...?). if an event arises there in the next weeks, i expect he'll reconsider in an effort to stay of out it.
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Is it the art, or the artist?

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If Elvis was Hitler, would you still like his music?
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by MOJO »

Hey Rope - A bit of a wacky question? Take your meds.

As for this thread, this is a FAN forum. When you type in the URL or read it, it says FANS. Just drop it, man. We get it now. You don't like the man, but everyone else here digs him, so why bother posting.

Plus, it's the dude's birthday today, so you should have something nice to say today.

Now back to the music!

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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by when i was cruel »

Yes I would. It's like people like MJ's music and he's been acused of terrible things.
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by jardine »

Well, Goebbels, yes. Hitler? No way! Sorry, bad joke. In other words, I'm not really sure what you're asking? Would i forgive him anything? Is that what you're asking? If that is the question, the answer is "no," but don't ask "where's the line" because right now there isn't one already drawn. That line would have to be drawn in a considered way in light of what happens.

Regarding the 1979 events, I expect it is the stupidest thing he has ever done and as an ex-drinker and bit of a smart ass myself, I also know that being a drinker and a smart ass doesn't excuse anything at all. However, I really do believe that it still was only stupid and smart ass and not said because he believed it to be true. Just a stupid, pumped up kid's brag-act that, understandably, hurt a lot of people (e.c. included--i expect it still wells up for him every now and again as a dumb, hurtful and humiliating event in his life, just like past events in my life do as well).

That it is so profoundly out of alignment with what I know of e.c. otherwise--his words, his musical associations and friendships, his collaborations etc.,--. . .well, i know that I would hate to be known for and tainted with only the stupidest thing I've done in my life.
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by the_platypus »

pophead2k wrote:To be honest, the fact that this incident is even talked about any longer is a mystery to me. To wit: an early twenty-something says a naughty and offensive word in a drunken state- how is this news at all, and especially 30 years after the fact? It has become a rock and roll 'story' and really means Less Than Zero in the big picture. How about giving it a rest? I think EC has more than 'made up' for this over the years. Sheesh.
Too right.

But I understand CS's point.

EC has admitted how the incident stayed with him, to a certain extent. I wonder if it even went through his mind when he made the decision re: Israel.

I don't think it should, one way or the other. I just wonder.
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Zoloft, anyone?

Post by A rope leash »

I wouldn't take any medicine that would keep me from asking such a question.

The game of golf doesn't give a damn about Tiger Woods' infidelity.

Elvis has his reasons for not going to Isreal. If he wants to go to Istanbul, that's his business.

It might be that he's a racist, jew-hating bastard. He is human, after all.

He's still a great musician and songwriter.

A lot of people thought Frank Zappa was a bad person, too.

Maybe he was.

...and Micheal Jackson.

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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by Dr. Luther »

Having not actually attended that night in Columbus (I had another engagement), I've never really been inclined to draw any conclusions regarding the significance or inherent psychology of the "event".
I'm actually, to be honest, hesitant to accept unequivicably that it even happened as "reported".
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by Neil. »

Really sad to see this subject dragged up again, and on Elvis's birthday, too. :(
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by sulky lad »

Dr Luther wrote
I'm actually, to be honest, hesitant to accept unequivocally that it even happened as "reported".
And like Neil said, sad to have this brought up particularly on EC's birthday. Just a little point though - Bruce was allegedly there in the "fracas " that resulted but has never made any mention of any of the incident. Was this because he too was too pissed to recall ? - it seems like the Stills entourage were less than reticent to report the whole drunken debacle as soon as they could find suitable press agents !
Please also note BA, Irene is a gift from us for all the EC shows you've had !! -(only joking, please be safe everyone !)
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by Dr. Luther »

sulky lad wrote: Just a little point though - Bruce was allegedly there in the "fracas " that resulted but has never made any mention of any of the incident.
That's a good point.
Bruce hasn't exactly been known for diligent discretion -- in matters regarding his former employer, anyway.
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"


Jesus Christ, it was over thirty years ago...Elvis got over it, so should you.
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by The imposter »

Have you ever been inebriated ?
Do you always behave rationally?

I'm sure I've said more offending or hurtful things in arguments. it was just an attempt to provoke a reaction. Why is that so difficult to understand ? If you listen to the CBS press conference this is made very clear. Besides, because of the perceived "hostile" attitude of Elvis and his management at the time, some press were simply waiting for a stick to beat him with, and this was their chance.

it's incredible that some people, much less EC "fans" attempt to analyse and pontificate about the meaning or cause of one isolated stray comment in a drunken private conversation that occurred over 30 years ago.

I'm no psychologist but I know that sometimes people when drunk ,do not behave rationally.

If I recall, even Ray Charles when asked about the incident, saw it the same way.

Don't let it bother you man, I can assure you Elvis is not a racist.
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by sulky lad »

I'm hoping most, if not all, of us dealing with this thread are patently aware of Elvis' stance on racism and his embrace of music from all cultures would suggest that no-one could be less likely to be charged of that . If I read it correctly ( and forgive me if I'm wrong) but I feel there's still concern that this episode of drunken idiocy is still casting it's shadow over him. Had he made sexist comments about Tina Turner or Cher, I feel there would have been much less of barrage of righteous indignation - after all TYM was charged with being misogynistic but as previously mentioned, the press were just itching to have a go at Elvis and the management tactics employed at that time. Perhaps we should agree not to mention "Columbus 1979 " if it seems we're constantly bringing the subject up but this is a great site for intelligent and informed debate ( even if I sometimes contribute) and this discussion, like all old sins, seems to cast long shadows.
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by Neil. »

But Sulky, nobody was talking about this issue. It was brought up out of the blue on Elvis's birthday when nobody else was talking about it.

I won't be posting in this thread any more.
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by A rope leash »

The Columbus thing seems to have been dragged up in light of the Israel decision.

I do think there are elements in the media that would love to defame Elvis, and I wouldn't be surprised if someday they accomplish this.

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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by Dr. Luther »

I got into a squabble on a political message board with a very conservative fellow (and very pro-Israel) around the time of the Tel Aviv cancellation.
The path of the discourse eventually went throught Columbus (by the other fellow's hand, of course) -- I suspect after some internet-based research on his part.

It was a real pain-in-the-ass.
I actually felt manipulated, kinda persecuted, just having to address the whole stupid '79 thing.
(I'm not really sure where I was going with this post....)
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by verbal gymnastics »

I can't believe that somebody of CS' intellect would have brought this up deliberately on Elvis' birthday and suspect it was an unfortunate coincidence.

We have all said things we don't mean when we are drunk. Rationality goes out of the window and some of the posts here echoe my sentiments. I have a friend who called me something unsavoury in what he thought was an ironic way. Those around us were quickly onto him, he left the pub and messaged me the next day with an apology. There was no issue the next time I saw him and there never has been since.

As has been pointed out, Ray Charles dealt with it and from Elvis' sleevenote on one of the reissues, he had put himself in a position where he would love to have met Ray one night but the incident put paid to that.

Elvis is no racist. If he is then he's done an excellent job of hiding it in all the years I've met him.
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by Ypsilanti »

Neil. wrote:But Sulky, nobody was talking about this issue. It was brought up out of the blue on Elvis's birthday when nobody else was talking about it.

I won't be posting in this thread any more.
But, Neil...this is a classic CS thread...
CS, of course, is always eager to remind us all of Elvis' shortcomings, point out his flaws, issue back-handed compliments, complain about this and that---you know, because it's his responsibility to do so--as a "fan". You know, stuff like Sparkling Day is mawkish, Elvis is a weak guitar player, National Ransom is full of filler, The Spinning Songbook Tour was crap, his vocals are strained, etc, etc, etc...
And since CS's opinions are both strong and numerous, I'd say he's managed to single-handedly change the whole tone of this message board.
Without CS's learned posts we might all just be blithely enjoying Elvis' music. And what sort of fun what that be?

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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by Jack of All Parades »

Ypsilanti, you must be right as I had totally forgotten it was his birthday. By your standards, I guess I fail as a fan and fall far short of your level of fandom. I failed to note it on my calendar. I really enjoy EC's music and a good proportion of his songs and have found much to admire and appreciate from him as a live performer in the past and look forward to many more years of the same. If this board is supposed to be a place where we unfailingly worship Elvis without any critical judgement then you are probably right, I do not belong here.
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by Poor Deportee »

I for one have zero interest in a string of posts that say nothing more than, 'gee whiz, how awesome Elvis Costello's music is! And, despite his horrendously racist slur on Ray Charles, he's probably a wonderful man as well!!!'

Christopher made what seems to me an honest attempt to come to grips with the puzzle of how somebody who seems to share fundamentally decent values (opposition to racism, indignation at exploitation and abuse of power, etc.) could find no recourse other than that infamous slur when challenged that night in Columbus. My own view is that EC allowed his persona to get out of control at a certain point, and that somesuch self-destructive moment might have been inevitable. You can't reel from encounter to encounter, spewing bile at interviewers, drinking and popping pills and making it your point to be an 'irritant' without eventually crossing even those lines you set for yourself. I for one am satisfied, based on everything he's said since then, that EC truly regrets his words and has suffered considerable anguish over them. So at some point, you do have to let it go.

As for Chris's ongoing efforts to arrive at some critical purchase upon EC's work, I commend them. He is fulsome with praise where he feels it warranted (e.g., IB) but unwilling to embrace a posture of supine adoration when EC falls short. If Elvis's music can't withstand critical scrutiny, then we are all wasting our time here.
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by sulky lad »

Thanks Deportee, you say more eloquently than I, what I feel about CS's posts !
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Re: "They wanted facts, Facts!"

Post by pophead2k »

I thoroughly enjoy Christopher's critical appraisals of EC's work. On more than one occasion they have led me back to an album I hadn't listened to for awhile and allowed me to enjoy it again with 'new' ears. My point is one I would make not only to Christopher but to every news story, journalist, and other avenue of EC discourse. In the grand scheme of EC's career and life, this episode is so incredibly overblown as to be embarrassing. In my ever so humble opinion, no psychoanalysis is needed: a young drunk man blurted out something awful. If Elvis' work and behavior since haven't atoned for this by now then what is the point? I guess it is true that one can disregard posts that one finds uninteresting or irrelevant, and that is probably what I should have done.
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