Were you at the ULCA show? PLEASE READ THIS!

Pretty self-explanatory
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Joined: Sat Aug 16, 2003 3:06 am
Location: west hollywood, ca

Were you at the ULCA show? PLEASE READ THIS!

Post by Dor »

Hi all,

I went to the Elvis show on March 3rd at Royce Hall. Afterwards I waited out back to try and meet Elvis.

I was hoping to get my photo taken with him, but was crushed to find out that the camera I'd brought with me wasn't working right. I asked a nice couple also waiting out back if they wouldn't mind taking one on their digital camera. They happily obliged. I gave them my email address and off I went walking to my car, too focused on thoughts of the lovely gentleman I'd just met to getting the contact information of the people who'd so generously helped me out.

Bottom line -- I was hoping to find those that snapped the photo. They never ended up emailing me. Maybe they lost my email address, or something.

So on the off chance that one of them is reading this -- please contact me! My email is dorinterrupted@aol.com

Thanks guys.

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