John Edwards Crosses Over

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John Edwards Crosses Over

Post by Misha »

I think this is good.....


The syndicated television series Crossing Over with John Edward has been
cancelled! Will wonders never cease? Here is the article.

January 6, 2004 -- UNIVERSAL has cancelled the syndicated version of "Crossing Over with John Edward" after three low-rated seasons. The show, hosted by renowned Long Island psychic John Edward, will wrap up its run at the end of this season. New episodes will continue to air until then.

If there is a hell and this guy dies anywhere near you, run, just so you don't go with him....
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Post by verbal gymnastics »

As a psychic surely he must have seen it coming :lol:
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Post by noiseradio »

I see something that starts with a 'c.' Though it might be an 'e.'
It's either that we're going to be cancelled or that we're going to have our contract extended. Definitely one or the other...
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Post by laughingcrow »

Could it be the fact that he's a gigantic fraud?
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

Damn. I was hoping by the name of this thread that he had died. But at least his farce of a show has been stopped. I suppose that's at least something good. :)

Did anybody see Penn & Teller's show Bullshit! on Showtime when they ran the episode on John Edwards and others like him?
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Post by LessThanZero »

I loved that one sermon of his "Sinners in the hands of an angry God"

and that song too... "sunshine come on back another day/ I promise you I'll be singing..."
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Post by laughingcrow »

I do believe there are genuine psychics...but this show is so schmaltzy, and so easy to fake, plus the bloke isn't the usual crusty old crone....

it makes me pity all the people that are genuinely looking for people that have died, for some reason or another, and get exploited by fake psychics.

On a similar subject, has anyone ever heard of Derren Brown? He's an english guy who studies the subconscionce and suggestibility..and he does a stage show which is brilliant! He can tell what people have drawn, and what words they're thinking of, and all sorts of fun, all through subtle body movements....anyway he showed how pyschics 'read' their punters through certain giveaway physical attributes.
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Post by mood swung »

John may have some psychic powers. He may talk to dead people. He may see the letter H. But what good is it?????? I've seen his stupid show way more than I'd like to admit and I can't say that he's actually helped anybody. I mean he could lie and say 'Uncle Fred forgives all' or something equally vague, but he doesn't really say anything. He describes. He names the relationship. that's about it. Maybe I'm wrong in thinking that the folks who come to the show want to know something definitive. Maybe they just want to know if there's an afterlife. Or where Uncle Fred is in that afterlife. I've never heard John channel somebody in hell. That would be good tv. not.

am I misunderstanding his show/purpose/raison d'etre?
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The dead also exist...

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Post by bobster »

Wayne Brady's show was cancelled as well....

Now who's gonna sing calypso songs inspired by current events in daytime...? -- Where "hopelessly dated" is a compliment!
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