Elvis Costello as The King of Swords

Pretty self-explanatory
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girl out of time
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Elvis Costello as The King of Swords

Post by girl out of time »

....surfing the net i found this......
(at http://www.hanging-fire.net/archives000959.html#000959 )

June 05, 2003

There are several brilliant things about the Eighties tarot, but I think my favorite is Elvis Costello as the King of Swords:

The King of Swords is talented in wordplay and has high moral and ethical values. He is the master of Intellect- passionate about language, and about perfect justice. Jumbles of information and emotion go into the King of Swords, and come out smooth, incisive, perfectly edited, and perhaps even rhyming- yet having lost none of their original fire or high-mindedness.
(Via Long Story Short Pier.)

Posted by Karin at June 5, 2003 09:16 PM | TrackBack
...the promise of indulgence in my confidential voice approached inmortal danger but you´ll never know how close....
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