EC Media Weekend

Pretty self-explanatory
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EC Media Weekend

Post by DrJ »

Spent most of the weekend on call, just in the door. Numerous bizarre EC related things happened.

In the tea room there's loads of crappy newspapers and magazines. Noticed an article from last sunday's "Star on Sunday" wherein it mentions EC and DK and EC's quoted as saying "Since we've met, I've got quieter and she's gotten angrier!", yes, I'm sure he said that.

Now! Magazine: Hot New Couples article featuring a pic and blurb of guess who...

EC presenting an award to Celia Bartok in Sunday Times Magazine (an old one).

Short piece of EC on Irish television last night.

Some MTV program following some blonde starlet around during her life - plays the bit at the end of 45 while she plays minigolf.

Had the A&E radio turned to some Jazz show last night and a girl called Victoria Tolstoy came on singing a lovely version of "Baby Plays Around"

Not much actually, but some tawdry show on Sky about celebs sex lives used the phrase "Indoor Fireworks" in a really obvious way.

Plus I saw the new Kylie video. It's all too much.

Tlentifini Maarhaysu
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Post by laughingcrow »

There's a new Kylie video? Cool.

Crap songs. Nice arse.
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Re: EC Media Weekend

Post by martinfoyle »

Short piece of EC on Irish television last night.
This refers to The Last Broadcast on RTE's Network 2 channel, which had snippets from a 1999 interview, EC mentioned playing Big Boys in Bradford recently.
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